Power your Future

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Challenge your (energetic) future with the power of critical thinking

From data analysis to Role Play, addressing the energy crisis and climate emergency: with our educational program Power Your Future, students from Italy, France, and the United Kingdom have rethought innovative, sustainable and future-proof strategies for the (energetic) health of our planet.

A call to action for the citizens of the future

Imagine waking up one day as the leader of a country in the midst of an energy resource crisis:

👉 What strategies would you implement to secure a better future for your citizens?

👉 And what if you were a member of your nation’s scientific committee?

👉 How would you convince the panel to select the best clean energy source?


Through Power Your Future’s activities, leveraging the superpowers of Role Play and Digital Debate, students stepped into the roles of scientists and future leaders to (re)write our climate history from A to Z.

One goal, multiple paths

Asynchronous activities, in-person workshops, and live bootcamps: with Power Your Future, over 6,000 students developed the hard and soft skills of tomorrow with the help of innovative teaching methods and the support of WeSchool tutors.

Power Your Future: UK Edition

Environmental sustainability and energy consumption were the two main topics explored during the 4 hour multi-school workshops in the UK, where students (and teachers) approached the program’s themes from multiple perspectives, rethinking together the energy of the future.


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